Sunday, July 29, 2018

I will creat any database managment system for desktop application

I will creat any database managment system for desktop application


Looking for a company or for a person  who need some application to handle his data . who need that type of application that provide him a well defined platform where there data is secure and easily handled.
So, i am here to Provide facility to the user as they need. i help you in development of apllication which you have needed . i can work in following tools.
  1. Oracle 
  2. MySql
  3.  SQL Server
  4. Access 
  5. Excel
  6. visual stdio
I have high level experience in development of desktop application, easy to use, decent styled and up-to-dated database for you at reasonable cost. in order to start order first discuss the details of your job with me so that we cold finalize cost and development time period,give me all you requirement . thank







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