Saturday, July 28, 2018

I will design mysql database or write stored procedures and queries

I will design mysql database or write stored procedures and queries


I have +1 year experience in database design and API .

I will design a normalized MySQL database as per the requirements of your project 

I will make a complete entity relationship diagram and table constraints 

I will be glad to help and you are guaranteed to be satisfied .

what you will get :

__complete Entity Relationship Diagram.

__Database normalization.

__database creation scripts

__Database Queries (optional);

__optional :increase the security of your database with stored procedures, wrap up all interaction with your DB in strictly defined gateways  that will isolate your DB from the hands thus more secure

note : this gig also applies for writing Queries and statements for a given MySQL database.
it also applies for any consultation or help related to MySQL


**Please contact me before placing an order







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